Gentle Yoga Practice

What is Yoga?

The Sanskrit translation for Yoga is “Union.”  Some describe Yoga as the Union of Body-Mind-Spirit; others define it as the Union between Body and Breath. Ultimately, it is you who choose the definition as it has a personal meaning to the individual.

Ashtanga, the “Eight Limbs” or components of Yoga encompass the Mind-Body-Soul as One, the physical practice of Yoga being only one of the eight parts, known as Asanas, (body posture).  Yoga itself is a beautiful and peaceful philosophy for living.  Following the whole Yoga path can genuinely bring a beautiful Union within your Self.

The 8 Limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra

∞Yama – Abstinences

∞Niyama – Observances

∞Asana – Yoga Postures

∞Pranayama – Breath Control

∞Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the Senses

∞Dharana – Concentration

∞Dhyana – Meditation

∞Samadhi – Absorption

During a Gentle Yoga Practice, we mindfully move through gentle Yoga postures with a balanced approach and purposeful intent.  The practice should never be painful; honoring your body is a fundamental principle.

Kim provides a softer core of the Eastern philosophy of Yoga at the center of her classes, and she assists students in building the Yoga/Union within themselves and their Western lifestyle.  We live in a very hectic world, by arming ourselves with the best possible tools, we hold the keys to true peace, happiness, and love.

(Click here for classes)